Thames View

3000 NorDan windows at East End Thames View.

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Windows & Doors

Since 1954

Smart Windows & Doors

Smart windows and doors, from the Scandinavian experts

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In the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham a £36.7million development is designed and constructed by Jerram Falkus Construction Ltd, providing 276 affordable social housing units. The properties are Council managed homes and this project is delivered in a completely self-financing arrangement - a ground breaking partnership between the Council and Thames Partnership for Learning (Regeneration) Ltd. the architects for this project were Pollard Thomas Edwards Architects (PTEA).

NorDan window and door products were chosen for their longevity and low maintenance for this project. Life cycle analysis has show NorDan timber windows have the lowest whole life cost in use over 30 years, based on real prices, which is important to privately funded projects. As is their life expectancy of 60 years or more.